Thursday, August 23, 2007

My previous two novels - 'My Heart On a Chain' & 'The Forest of Life' are available online at several bookstores.
There is still a large populace of society that view homosexuality as a sin. That, in and of, itself scares many lonely hearts seeking God's Love into an underground of secrecy, and/or, running blindly in the opposite direction.
GOD is LOVE. He created each of us and He loves each of us. He's chosen us for a reason. As Gay and Lesbians we've had to endure rejection. But it's important that we remember God doesn't reject His children. ( US, you and me.)
I write of everyday life. It just so happens that most of my main characters are lesbian women who lead productive and interesting lives. And yes, they fall in love and share the emotions that all lovers share.
My characters are full of life - and lay their hearts and souls on the pages. Sometimes they make you laugh. Sometimes they make you gasp...and sometimes they share their fears and tears with you. They're adventurous sorts that I hope you'll spend a few hours with.
While writing of them...I grew an attachment...of kinship.
I'll keep you updated on my new release. SOON, I'm happy to say. 'Returning to Rockwell' isn't a Christmas story, but that's a toss-up. "Tis Always the Season For Miracles."


Blog Established August 24, 2007