Saturday, September 29, 2007


Often we forget that success in any relationship is more than meeting the right person or persons.
First, we must be the right person. Marry your own life, love the Divine in yourself before forming bonds with others. ( I don't mean this selfishly ) Do what is yours to do. Determine what it is that you want to do with your one precious life... and by it.
The light is in you, but like a lamp, you must be turned on. The energy awaits your simple command. It's totally up to you.
The art of living is perhaps the hardest art of all to master.
We harness ourselves with blinders for one particular reason or another, probably fears, and miss what goes on all around us; thereby robbing from our own treasure chest the very essence of glorious wonders at hand. Then we question... Why Not Me? Why Her? Why Him?
If we're to experience the gifts of love, we must be willing to develop an emotional climate where things can grow. Give not only from our hearts but the very taproot of our existence.
We've all heard that stable relationships are for horses, not people. There's conflict in the best of relationships. Why should yours be any different?
I suppose because we're not considered the norm of society, we feel we must be a rose without thorns.
I've got thorns----gracious, we all do.
Go around them. Wear gloves, or snip the darn things off. Learn to be thankful for the roses. Appreciate the fragrance and beauty.
Nourish yourself daily, like your relationships. It just takes a drop or two of care.
Corrie Ten Bloom once asked, "Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?" I'm afraid many of us use it as a spare tire, only out of desperation.
I dare you to try letting it steer your life. I double-dog dare you!
Many of you will say: I don't have time. I don't know how. It doesn't work. So many Clerics say that God doesn't love us, so why should I pray? It's just a waste of my time. I can't have fun if I ask God to guide my life. I'm not ready yet. My oh my, the list goes on and on.
There's no one way.
We aren't all alike. We above all folks should know that.
Me, I plan on dancing my way into Heaven, and I'll toast The Son of God with wine from Heaven's vineyard.
But while I'm here I'll give, I'll love, I'll tickle a few funny bones, and I'll dance with my partner as the beat of her heart fills my ears.
Listening...Giving...Forgiving...Playing...and Loving are the soils that make relationships thrive.

As sparks of the Divine, we are all the same soul substance. Each connected to one another. Life began in a garden.
Let's tend our own gardens. Then we'll have a bounty to share with others. Then we can cultivate love...and cherished relationships.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Persistence Overcomes Resistance

I read today that needing someone is a lot like needing a parachute. They need to be there when you need them...or else you may never need them again.
Tragic as that sounds, it bangs with the Truth.
Friends are those we've hand-selected to watch our backs...hold our hand...step to our defense...and love us unconditionally------------even if we were a jerk last night. But we must be willing to do the same for them.
Being a Christian lesbian has placed me on the back pews of churches many times, not voluntarily, mind you, but because I didn't feel connected or accepted by my brothers and sisters to the front or sides of me.
Thank goodness - our country is slowly awakening. What a magnificent time to be alive. Suddenly, we're becoming fashionable. Ain't that a hoot?
We're GAY and Proud, because that's how we were created. God's Creations. God's children.
We feel Love...we feel passion...we know that we are no different from others, though many will argue the contrary. And use scripture recklessly to do so.
And I say shame on them. Yet I love them all the same, but they're not on my Christmas list.
Jesus said to LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
I'm not giving up. I'll remain persistent in the face of resistance. Come together Friends. Together we will win our God given rights to be treated justly.

I'll be your parachute, I'll watch your back, I'll hold your hand, I'll come to your defense...and I'll love you just as you are. For I selected you. ( Not my words, but those of the best Friend we'll ever have.)
"WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS," and how blessed we are that he watches over US.
Persistence does overcome resistance.