Friday, October 26, 2007


Prisons aren't only jail cells in correctional institutions.
You can be a prisoner in your own home...or, for that matter, in your own mind.
Though the world is beginning to realize that the word homosexual isn't a bad word; still many help keep people of that identity locked in the closet of their minds.
I've had numerous individuals question their sexual preference and ask me if they might be gay. That's a question I've yet to answer; for I have no way of knowing. I wouldn't dare suggest one way or the other. I have no right. Its answer lies within their own heart.
I don't like to see or hear of anyone quarreling inside the prison walls of their mind about their sexual identity. Been there, done that. It is indeed a hellhole of agony.
If you struggle with yourself...there's freedom through God. Pray and ask for guidance. YES, positively, God listens to the prayers of homosexuals. Don't let anyone, not a single solitary soul, convince you differently.
But never argue with an idiot either. They'll drag you down to their level and keep you a prisoner within the confines of your human vessel, tethering their negative energy to you like a kite's tail.
Courteously, thank them for their opinion and move away as fast as you can. Cut the kite's tail and RUN my friend.
So, how do you know if you're gay? You just know...same as a straight person knows they're attracted to the opposite sex.
But no one can answer that question for you. Nor should they...

Monday, October 22, 2007

Helping Others

There's an old Chinese Proverb that says:
"If you want Happiness for a others."
I bet, like myself, you've found that to be true.
Nothing puts a SMILE in yer heart like extending a helping hand to a friend, family member, associate, or a stranger. It builds a fire that radiates through the trillions of cells that compose our bodies.
Like the sands of an hour glass, each grain of sand flows to make-up the hour...much the way each of our deeds, good or bad, flow to make-up our lives.
What we give tells much about who we are. For we can only give from what we are.
Have you ever considered LISTENING to be a treasured gift? An easy way to help others? I'm talking about when we truly listen with far more than just our ears. Giving them our undivided attention. Using our minds, eyes and hearts. It takes skill, practiced skill, to give this sort of gift, but once you've accomplished these listening skills...the gift becomes twofold. You become a much better speaker, just by listening.
Resisting the need to interrupt, unless it's for clarification, takes an unseen strength.
Why college curriculums now offer courses entirely on listening skills.
What makes listening so hard for most is that the the human brain thinks much faster than it can speak. At least four times as fast. So that means if a person talks 125 words per minutes, another person not skilled at listening has already taken several side trips, thus only comprehending a fraction of what was said.
I've found that to genuinely help others you must become a good listener. Don't just anticipate their needs; know them from their own lips, or eyes, or facial expressions, or body twitches or various other forms of communication that only a good listener observes. That's when you can really help a person. Get to the bottom of what they need. What is it that you can give. We're not talking $$ here, but something no amount of money can provide.
Sometimes listening was/is all they needed. Or we may find that a friendly hug or a few words of compassion need to accompany the conclusion of a friendly listening session. Or if there's wisdom to share, don't hesitate - but try to never turn it to fulfill your own personal needs. For if you do, no matter how great a listener you were, you null and void the gift. Helping is about others, not yourself, even though you will receive a blessing all the same.
And though some will welcome a prayer for them, others will squirm with apprehension. Respect their wishes; yet go and silently pray for them. They won't know it, but it could be just the help they needed.
Help Others! Try these for starters: Smiling - Listening - Words of Comfort - a Gentle Embrace - and/or - Having a Word With Jesus.
May God bless you all, regardless of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, or disability.
God made us as one - all branches of the same Tree of Life...