Monday, December 31, 2007

Do you feel the need to take a walk with Jesus?

I've walked with the Lord since I was seven years old. Got saved at that tender age at a country Baptist church. I joke with my friends and tell them the minister scared me so bad with all his talk about the devil, I ran into the arms of Jesus.
Sometimes we're in the dark about what the Lord sees and is doing in our lives. We get confused and stumble along the way. Sin can so easily ensnare us. Every servant of the Lord will experience trials and tribulations. But, 'thank goodness' we have a forgiving Lord.
Staying with the Lord takes tenacity.
However, if we let His word frame our lives, He'll reward us for it.
Psalm 113: 3 - "You will discover that the Lord has things moving forward that you can not yet know, and His goodness is destined to reappear. So the praise of Him is your connection to His life and presence, even when the pain wants to make you run and hide. Praise Him in all things."
He is our eternal Guide...
The author of the following poem is unknown, but its message is an ageless reminder.
A Walk With Jesus
If you could take a walk with Jesus
If He could spend some time with you
Would you walk through fields of flowers?
Sprinkled with the morning dew.
If you could take a walk with Jesus
Would you walk beside the sea?
Or would you walk out in the forest
So you could rest beneath a tree?
If you could take a walk with Jesus
What would you say to Him?
Would you spend your time complaining?
About your family and friends?
If you could take a walk with Jesus
Would you grumble about your job?
Would you choose your words with caution,
As you walked with the Son of God?
Now before you give your answer
Give careful thought to what you'll say
Though you may not have noticed
Jesus walked with you today...

Sunday, December 30, 2007


May God's Glorious Light shine upon You, showering You with blessings of Happiness, Peace, Joy, and Love...And may all Your dreams come true.
Forever Yours,

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


There's been a wish for Friendship desired on my part and/or that of others through the span of times, though it never materialized. It was all our faults. Either I, or the others, let the bloom of friendship wither. Turn to dust and fade silently away into the depths of time to be trampled upon.
Friendship is more that just a temporary longing to form a close bound with one another. It goes well beyond that. It's a shared commitment. Taking the actions of all concerned individuals to flourish into a monument of Love and Strength.
Often, we have a thin understanding of what 'FRIENDSHIP' really means.
It extends ethnology, demographics, or theologies. In fact, it comes down to Love and Respect. Friendship is a 'social glue' that paves the roads of 'PEACE'.
Friendship is a 'free' gift that God offers to us...For genuine friendship does not dissolve...It's loving each other for what WE are. It provides a mirror of ourselves, even though we are separate and different from each other in life form.
Indeed, we are the gardeners that in tendering the souls of others to bloom, we find ourselves blooming right along with them. A give and take that occurs so naturally.
Spiritual friendship seeks to teach us that we have only a transient connection to the body. Age, gender, hobbies, careers and religious affiliates don't travel with us from here to eternity. There is no 'them' and 'us.'
It's a transcendental truth; we're all connected.
Friendships build bridges between people - much like the bridge between earth and Heaven.
In friendship we possess mutual confidence and trust. It's found on acceptance. Without friends our lives would be very lonely, and loneliness depletes our zest for LIFE.
We need to take care of our friends, who in turn will take care of us.
Friends are easy to find...but also easy to lose.
To keep our friends we must know:
How to comfort,
How to encourage,
How to forgive,
And, how to be generous.
Life becomes richer as love grows. Never forget that whatever conduct displeases you will also displease them.
The colors of Friendship make up the rainbow...a promise of Hope for tomorrow. Carve A Tree
Let's remember to appreciate one another. Let your friends know how much they mean to you.

For in God's delight were we born.

"We are all but a single tree in the forest of life..." htl

Sunday, December 23, 2007


Manger Reverend Suzie Chamness of the Spirit of Life Metropolitan Community Church in New Port Richey, Florida will be presenting a Candle-Light Service, Christmas Eve @ 7 PM.
The church is located directly off SR- 54 in NPR.: 4133 Thys Road. Call 727-849-6962 for further directions or information.
We're a growing congregation that opens our arms and hearts to all.
Matthew 18:20 - "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them..."
I'll look forward to meeting you there.

What if Jesus Came to Your House?

If Jesus came to your house to spend a day or two, if He came unexpectedly, I wonder what you'd do? Oh, I know you'd give your nicest room to such an honored guest, and all the food you'd serve to Him would be the very best.
And you would keep assuring Him you're glad to have him there, That serving Him in your home is joy beyond compare. But when you saw Him coming, would you meet Him at the door, with arms outstretched to welcome in your heavenly visitor?
Or would you have to change your clothes before you let Him in, or hide some magazines and put the Bible where they'd been? Would you turn off the radio and hope He hadn't heard, and wished you hadn't uttered that last loud nasty word.
Would you hide your worldly music and put some hymn books out? Could you let Jesus come right in, or would you rush about? Oh, I wonder if the Savior came to spend a day with you, would you just go on doing all the things you always do?
Would you go right on saying the things you always say? Would life for you continue as it does now day to day? Would our family conversation keep up it's usual pace, or would you find it hard each meal to say a table grace?
Would you sing the songs you always sing and read the books you read, and let Him know on which the things your mind and spirit feeds? Would you take Jesus with you everywhere you planned to go, or would you maybe change your plans, for just a day or so?
Would you be glad to have Him meet with all your closest friends, or would you hope they'd stay away until His visit ends? Would you be glad to have Him stay forever on and on, or would you sigh with great relief when He at last was gone?
It might be interesting to know the things that you would do, if Jesus came in person to spend the day with you!
~ Song written by Lois Blanchard Eades, sung by Red Sovine ~

Friday, December 21, 2007

'Merry Christmas'

Seasons GreetingsMatthew 2: 9,10 - "Behold, the star shone over where the young Child was, and when the wise men saw the Holy Child, they fell down and worshiped Him."
From my heart to yours...I wish you a blessed 'Merry Christmas. '

May the stars of heaven shine down upon you, and may you be touched by His angels.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

"I Can Only Imagine!'

The title of this song says it all - "I Can Only Imagine..."
Knowing one day I'll stand face-face with Jesus lights my horizon everyday. But as the song proclaims - just what will I do?
Jesus has done so much for me and for you. Things we'll never know about on this earthly ground.
How many times has He reached out and saved us from evil unaware to us? How many times has He sent heavenly angels to shield us from harm. How many times has He saved us from foolish mistakes? How many times has He used us to help another? How many times has He used others to help us?
Two-thousand years ago he made the ultimate sacrifice...He gave His all. He saved, white, yellow, brown and all the colors in between. Men and women. Girls and boys. Straights and gays. All nationalities. All peoples.
Now we're nearing the time of His birth, so many years ago.
He only wants one thing for Christmas, which is His birthday. He wants YOU.
My heart is tied with a ribbon...the ribbon of His Love, His Glory, His eternal Light.
Won't you tie a ribbon around yours, too?
'I Can Only Imagine.'
May the Spirit of God Light your Soul with a fire that glows all the way to Heaven.

Monday, December 3, 2007


Advent comes from the Latin word meaning 'the coming'.
Our ecclesiastical calendar marks Advent as the holy season preceding Christmas, the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
For centuries we've honored this spiritual reflection with a double-focus. The affirmation that Christ has come, and He will come again in all His glory and power.
In Mark 13:33 - "Jesus said to His disciples:
"' Be constantly on the watch! Stay awake...You do not know when the Master of the house is coming."'
This busiest time of the year calls us to draw closer to others. Open ourselves to God's presence. Spend rich personal time with the King, our Messiah, who will bring Peace and Righteousness to our world.
Advent is the timeless story of God's radical gift to the world...the birth of His son, Jesus Christ.
Yesterday, (Sunday) Reverend Suzie Chamness @ our Spirit of Life Church in New Port Richey, Florida, spoke on Advent, and the first candle was lit on the Advent wreath. The wreath represents eternity, everlasting beginning and no end.
The wreath is made up of five candles, 3 purple for Hope, Peace and Love; one rose candle for Joy, and in the center a white candle symbolizing Christ's birth. Advent is celebrated with prayers of devotion, commitment and submission.
It's the revelation of God in Christ, signifying anticipation and hope.
We are God's people. That means you and you and you.
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart," and "love your neighbor as yourself."
Prepare for 'the coming'. Share the joy.
'O come, O come, Emmanuel.'
I'll be out of town until December I'll catch up with you then.
Happy Holidays my friends...and may God spread wondrous blessings upon you!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Srike Another Match

Sometimes we give so much of ourselves; still giving, even when our candle begins to flicker. But there are many of us that don't let that stop us, either. We continue until we're drained of the zest that lit within us. Our soul light is diminished.
That's when our candle temporarily goes out. We're sitting in the dark. Depression comes in and cozies up next to us, eager to keep us company. While filling our heads with woeful thoughts, depression hogs the microphone to our minds, probing in the darkness like a
fer-de-lance, entwining around us, desperate to poison our optimism and bane our Faith.
Ambiguity takes a seat on the couch of our heart. We wrestle with it, refusing to let it rob us.

But stars come out in the dark. The full moon rises and light morphs back into our cells, washing us with brilliant angel wings. They untie our emotional energies. The 'lashon harah' (Hebrew for "bad talk') is silenced by the light, chased away by our angels sent directly from God to rescue us. They breathe God's Grace on us. And hand us a book of matches.

With the matches we relight the candle of our soul and begin to give again, and again, and again.
We've learned that into every life some darkness must fall. But as Christians, we know God's angels will always be there to help us 'strike another match...'

Monday, November 26, 2007

'Treat IT Gently'

In Genesis, God told Adam to "tend and keep the earth." That message was and is meant for all of us.
With over 6.6 billion people in our world, that's a lot of gardeners.
This magnificent sphere of ours is a beautiful gift that God created for us to live, until the gates of Heaven open up for us.
We need to recognize our responsibility and preserve its natural resources for our children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and all the other future generations that our gentle caressing of the globe, or lack there of, will reap. We are the stewards of their inheritance.
We can all work together to do our part using synergistic efforts. I don't need to tell you how. You hear it all the time; but are you listening and taking action?
"Tend and keep the earth."
God has placed the world in our hands. Show your love and appreciation for His gift...Treat IT Gently.

Friday, November 23, 2007

May I have this dance?

Voltaire said..."Let us read and let us dance...two amusements that will never do any harm to the world."
Christian music has changed so much since I was a kid. It's now got a beat that invites you to dance. I think God loves to witness us praising His name, not only with Joyful words, but Joyful feet, too. The body moving in harmony as we celebrate His word.
Exodus 15:20 - Miriam led the women with timbrels and dancing.
II Samuel 6:14 - David danced with great abandon before God.
God's gotten a bad rap, totally undeserved. Our Father loves to see His children being Joyful.
I don't think it's possible to dance and feel sad at the same time.
I don't know why folks try to make God seem so stern all the time. Sure, He commands discipline, but you can be disciplined and have fun at the same time. Just no rampaging like a crazy bull.
Put on some Anne Davis with her encouraging lyrics or Connie Scott's infectious melody, both of heavenly quality.
And...may I have this dance?

Love and eggs are best when they're fresh.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Cosmic Kinship

The following is a discussion I began with The Best Religion Group @

Friends fill the sky of our lives with stars. For friends are made from stardust, more brilliant and more valuable than gold.
Beneath a dome of friendship, we glow with God's Universal Power and Love.
From love comes Peace; the ultimate goal for all of humanity. ( Or at least it should be.)
'''Friendship promotes peace,"' as a dear friend of mine said. How very true his words. It's a giant leap towards our desired goal.
We receive a great deal more than we give. By giving thanks for a little, we find a lot. And that brings about gratitude. It has been said that a person is defined by their attitude towards gratitude. Gratitude unlocks life's riches. It turns a stranger into a Friend. It makes sense of the past and illuminates the future.
We are all children of the King (God)...and that makes us all, either a Prince, or a Princess. Members of God's Royal Family.
In this week of our nation's Thanksgiving celebration, let's remember the gifts of Friendship we share around the world.
To all my Prince and Princess Friends, those made, and those yet to make,"Thank you for making my life brighter.
"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine." Shine on cosmic kinship...
Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Storms of Life

Louisa May Alcott said: "I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning to sail my ship."
When the seas of life get rough, and they often do, we just might need a soul prescription. We don't need to go to the doctor for it, for we can write it ourselves with our heart. Take a heaping tablespoon of God's guidance and Love. It goes down easy.
Like water in perpetual motion, God flows through our souls. He's always there when we're tossed about in the storms of life; even when we're tossed overboard. He's our lifevest. He pulls us gently back onboard, and with a soft, fleecy towel dries us off and puts us back at the wheel of our life.
We sail back into blue skies with a rainbow of experience. Wiser having tasted the salty waters of a high sea. Our Faith strengthened.
So when you see the storm clouds bubbling, put on your lifevest and take a heaping tablespoon of God's Love...
"All things are possible with God." YOU CAN COUNT ON IT!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Returning to Rockwell takes off running

I'm so excited...finally my new novel 'Returning to Rockwell' is off and running. Look it up on They're the first to release it. It should be available at most online book stores within the next month, but it's a Christmas story and ripe for the season. I write under my own name, Helen 'Taylor' Little.
Sure it's main character is a lesbian, but that's not all she's about. I think you'll like her once you get to know her, her family and friends.
A genteel Lady with southern grace. A smalltown girl's charm and wit.
Irish heritage lights her family tree. Dana Lynne O'Malley invites you to travel with her on an amazing adventure.
I appreciate all my readers. May my story warm the cockles of yer heart...
"Top of the day to ye!"

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Job Bias Bill Passes the House

It's a giant step in the right direction. On Wednesday the House passed a bill that would put a federal ban on job discrimination against gays, lesbians and bisexuals. This bill would make it illegal for employers to make decisions about hiring, firing, promoting or paying an employee based on sexual orientation. Rights our Canadian neighbors passed many moons ago.
By a vote of 235 to 184, supporters know it will be a tough-go getting it passed through the Senate, where support is narrowly divided.
President Bush is expected to veto the proposal, should it reach his desk. How sad that our President has closed his heart to our community.
But we'll get there by hook and crook, if we have to tread water all the way.
Republican Barney Frank is one of two openly gay members of Congress that supports the bill.
Nineteen states and our nation's capital already have laws in place protecting our civil rights. Isn't the White House located in our nation's capital? Isn't that where our President lives?
Are basic civil rights too much to ask?
But we'll get there eventually.
Hebrews 13:5 - He (God) will never leave us or forsake us...

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

***God has two dwellings***

Huh? What on earth are you talking about?!!
Just this: God abides in Heaven and in all the meek, loving and thankful Hearts of His children, from toddler to the grave.
Longfellow once said: "Graves are the footprints of angels." Some may see his words a bit morbid, but I see them as comforting. The grave is the doorway to Heaven. And His angels our escorts.
The preacher said in church last Sunday that only 3% of the World's population owns more than one suit of clothes and one pair of shoes. That puts you and me in that blessed minority. It's hard to imagine that 97% of the world lives in such poority, isn't it? Makes you feel rich in comparison.
He also said that we're each meant to walk in our own shoes. But sometimes even our own shoes don't fit, when we seek to follow the world. And that includes our family, friends, and counselors' ideas of what's right and what's wrong.
If you're a lesbian, imagine your best male friend or brother trying to stretch his size eleven foot into your size 7 shoe and walk to the store over a mile away. Bet he'd go barefooted first. I know I would.
That's kinda like it is when the unenlighten souls of the world tell us we must be one way...their way, or face damnation.
But if you're gay, you can only hide in the closet for so long before you knock the door down and amble yer own path.
Otherwise, the shoes being either too big or too small make us stumble and fall...causing us to want nothing to do with them. Kinda the same way some folks want nothing to do with God.
Others try to make you feel He never has... and never will LOVE YOU.
Don't fall for that. It has No truth...Always remember GOD is LOVE. He doesn't discriminate.
Our Lord stands knocking at the door to your heart. Let HIM in. He wants in. He wants to LOVE YOU and give you the life you so yearn for. The life you desire as a child of God..., but you must first answer the door of your heart and invite Him in. How easy is that? And what do you have to lose by welcoming Him inside?
Remember He dwells in Heaven and the meek, loving and thankful Hearts of His Children.

Monday, October 29, 2007


The countdown has begun. Ten more days and my new release "Returning to Rockwell" will be complete and ready to hit Amazon, Books-a-Million, Dreamwalker and all the other major and minor bookstores online...
You'll probably hear my exclamations of delight around the world; so grab yer ear plugs.
I'm about to breathe life into my story.
Thanks for all of your support.
Helen Taylor Little

Friday, October 26, 2007


Prisons aren't only jail cells in correctional institutions.
You can be a prisoner in your own home...or, for that matter, in your own mind.
Though the world is beginning to realize that the word homosexual isn't a bad word; still many help keep people of that identity locked in the closet of their minds.
I've had numerous individuals question their sexual preference and ask me if they might be gay. That's a question I've yet to answer; for I have no way of knowing. I wouldn't dare suggest one way or the other. I have no right. Its answer lies within their own heart.
I don't like to see or hear of anyone quarreling inside the prison walls of their mind about their sexual identity. Been there, done that. It is indeed a hellhole of agony.
If you struggle with yourself...there's freedom through God. Pray and ask for guidance. YES, positively, God listens to the prayers of homosexuals. Don't let anyone, not a single solitary soul, convince you differently.
But never argue with an idiot either. They'll drag you down to their level and keep you a prisoner within the confines of your human vessel, tethering their negative energy to you like a kite's tail.
Courteously, thank them for their opinion and move away as fast as you can. Cut the kite's tail and RUN my friend.
So, how do you know if you're gay? You just know...same as a straight person knows they're attracted to the opposite sex.
But no one can answer that question for you. Nor should they...

Monday, October 22, 2007

Helping Others

There's an old Chinese Proverb that says:
"If you want Happiness for a others."
I bet, like myself, you've found that to be true.
Nothing puts a SMILE in yer heart like extending a helping hand to a friend, family member, associate, or a stranger. It builds a fire that radiates through the trillions of cells that compose our bodies.
Like the sands of an hour glass, each grain of sand flows to make-up the hour...much the way each of our deeds, good or bad, flow to make-up our lives.
What we give tells much about who we are. For we can only give from what we are.
Have you ever considered LISTENING to be a treasured gift? An easy way to help others? I'm talking about when we truly listen with far more than just our ears. Giving them our undivided attention. Using our minds, eyes and hearts. It takes skill, practiced skill, to give this sort of gift, but once you've accomplished these listening skills...the gift becomes twofold. You become a much better speaker, just by listening.
Resisting the need to interrupt, unless it's for clarification, takes an unseen strength.
Why college curriculums now offer courses entirely on listening skills.
What makes listening so hard for most is that the the human brain thinks much faster than it can speak. At least four times as fast. So that means if a person talks 125 words per minutes, another person not skilled at listening has already taken several side trips, thus only comprehending a fraction of what was said.
I've found that to genuinely help others you must become a good listener. Don't just anticipate their needs; know them from their own lips, or eyes, or facial expressions, or body twitches or various other forms of communication that only a good listener observes. That's when you can really help a person. Get to the bottom of what they need. What is it that you can give. We're not talking $$ here, but something no amount of money can provide.
Sometimes listening was/is all they needed. Or we may find that a friendly hug or a few words of compassion need to accompany the conclusion of a friendly listening session. Or if there's wisdom to share, don't hesitate - but try to never turn it to fulfill your own personal needs. For if you do, no matter how great a listener you were, you null and void the gift. Helping is about others, not yourself, even though you will receive a blessing all the same.
And though some will welcome a prayer for them, others will squirm with apprehension. Respect their wishes; yet go and silently pray for them. They won't know it, but it could be just the help they needed.
Help Others! Try these for starters: Smiling - Listening - Words of Comfort - a Gentle Embrace - and/or - Having a Word With Jesus.
May God bless you all, regardless of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, or disability.
God made us as one - all branches of the same Tree of Life...

Friday, October 19, 2007


Many say we chose this homosexual lifestyle for ourselves. Are they crazy???????? Duh! Do they really believe we'd choose to be ridiculed and scorned?
We have many choices to make in life...and I'm here to tell you, being gay/lesbian isn't something I chose. It's who I am.
I fought against it...tried to be something that I wasn't. But you can't be what you aren't; no more than a 'straight' person can switch teams.
But I have chosen to make the best of my life.
My present choices determine the type of memories I create. I've chosen to seek out goodness and truth.
I've made some tough choices that I wouldn't wish on anybody, but only because at the time I thought it was the right thing to do.
Sometimes when we try to do what some clerics say is the Godly thing to do, not only do we hurt ourselves, but others too.
We're so segregated. Gay churches, gay resorts, gay nightclubs, gay cruiselines, gay bookstores, gay restaurants, etc., etc..
I pray I live long enough to see unity and acceptance. United in the transforming power of God's love.
Thank God, Ellen DeGeneres has pushed some doors down and folks have gotten to see that we're not perverts. Heck, once they get to know us, they find we're just like them. With the exception of one thing.
So you might ask, "If you didn't choose to be homosexual, then who did?" And that's where the battle begins. I can tell you from now until the cows come home that I was born this way. Yet many will argue til they're mad as h_ll that I must be out of my mind. God wouldn't make that sort of mistake.
We're not mistakes. God doesn't make mistakes. But the Bible says, you say. I read my Bible daily. God is precious to me. I choose to worship Him. He guides me my life; however like a little child, I sometimes stray from the yard.
I wish more ministers of God would practice what they preach. God is Love. Far more divine, compassionate, forgiving and loving than my mind can go near. He's my CHOICE...and He Chose Me.
There's a dawning of choices in life.
May the healing, guiding, prospering power of divine love be one of the choices you make.
Fee Amanillah - God be with You...

Thursday, October 18, 2007


I just can't believe how blessed I am. No, I'm not of millionaire status when it comes to currency, but when it comes to friends and family, I'm magnificently RICH beyond measure.
It takes real maturity to recognize all of life's blessings. Before then, we take so much for granted.
Mother Teresa said: "Be Someone for Somebody." Here the saintly Lady didn't even have a pot to pee in, but offered up herself without expecting a thing in return. Recent news has presented her as a basket case at times, questioning her belief in God. They say ( the News media ) she was forlorn, literally lost on her path with God.
Forgive me, but I say, "Hogwash."
So what?! She got weary at times. Depression sat on her chest like a camel with diarrhea. Life stunk and she felt crushed by internal sorrow. But she never stopped believing...she never stopped giving...she went forward by the Grace of God. She thanked Him daily, even though her mind questioned, reached and searched. She thanked Him through the darkness and the Light. An example for all of us.
Haven't we all had those days when dung seemed to drop out of the sky onto us? But if you stop and think...dung is a produces growth. Now I don't like dung dumped or slung at me, but by golly I like growth. And sometimes growth causes us a pain in the royal butt.
I think we only get the dung treatment when we've turned our backs to the gentle ways. Sometimes we can be so hard of hearing or seeing what sits before us, that God moves us on to plan 'D' for dung. Often its at our own doing. We can be such a glutton for making our own tough times. I'm just now learning the caution signs and I keep me brakes in tip top condition. But that doesn't mean I don't trip over my own feet once in a while. You can bet I do.
I look at the food before me at every meal, just before I say my blessing, somewhat differently now. I'm thankful I don't go hungry. I'm thankful that I don't know what real hunger is. Why my meals are a bloody feast compared to what so many, near and far, from us must eat; that is if they get to eat at all on some days.
You've seen the TV ads. Children and adults alike, starving. Barely any skin attached to their skeletal frames. Can't eat a nice juicy steak or a plate of fresh veggies watching that; now can you?
Thankful, an eight lettered word so simple to say. So easily taken for granted.
You and you, and me are blessed, even when the skies are grey. Those dark clouds will go away. But as hard as it is to do, let's be thankful for the grey skies too. They provide the raindrops that water the dung, that nourishes the soils, that grows our one-of-a-kind lives. We're set free of the dung, and sprout upward in knowledge and love.
Yes, I'm a lesbian, but that's a very small part of who I am. I'm thankful that God wanted me to live. For He gave me birth; make no mistake about that. I thank Him daily.
Well, I'll stop spurting off at the mouth for now and end by saying:
I'm truly thankful for all my friends and family, and that includes the friends I've yet to meet.
Tonight, before you climb beneath the covers in your soft bed, try saying 'Thank You," to God. He'll be listening.
God Bless You All.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

The word 'happy.'

I've become penpal friends with folks across the world. Canada, India, Japan, and Iran, just to name a few. Only the internet has made this possible.
One friend in particular, Shadi, which just so happens to mean happiness, has stretched my mind and taught me the words: Fee Amanillah - They mean - God be with you.
Another new friend from Canada taught me that Thanksgiving is celebrated there in the month of October. They just celebrated it last week, and, yes, they have turkey too.
And from India, a gentleman of soul and nature deepens my thoughts.
People all around the world...our Sisters and Brothers...can teach us so much, just with the touch of a computer key. Of course it would be so much more enjoyable to sit beside them to talk, laugh and sometimes cry.
To appreciate true 'happiness' we must know sadness as well. Our highest good can come out of our deepest suffering. Sometimes that sad road is the path to 'happiness' . But many of us try taking detours to avoid sadness, thus missing the 'happiness' that was waiting for us. If we could live life backwards, we'd not make those mistakes...but that's not possible.
A friend in Japan taught me the word 'ikigai'. It means a sense of purpose in our lives. Something we all long and keep reaching for among the stars. Only through God can we reach those heights.
Your future starts everyday when you wake up. Make the most of it. Choose 'happiness'. Share 'happiness.
Keep your heart open for life's blessings. Reach out and make friends across the world. There's many gifts to give... and receive. But I think 'happiness' is the one I most enjoy.

Monday, October 8, 2007


Waiting for my new novel to be released is a lot like waiting in line to use the bathroom. I'm dancing around in anticipation.
I've attached a value, called self-worth, to my life. It either wins me the deference of others or their indifference.
Though others opinion of me matters; I don't allow it to generate control of my life.Took me years to learn to let go and let God guide my way.
Anticipating my book's release also scares me. As a writer, I can't help but slip and bare my soul on some pages, subliminally, but I can see it. Seems to be a habit I can't shake free of. It's cathartic in many aspects. However, only a few of my family and friends recognize the me that shows up in black and white occasionally.
I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas.
Yeah, the anticipation is toying with me. But it's also keeping me humble.
I just hope God gives me a nod of approval as I try to use His Love as a message in my writing.

Saturday, September 29, 2007


Often we forget that success in any relationship is more than meeting the right person or persons.
First, we must be the right person. Marry your own life, love the Divine in yourself before forming bonds with others. ( I don't mean this selfishly ) Do what is yours to do. Determine what it is that you want to do with your one precious life... and by it.
The light is in you, but like a lamp, you must be turned on. The energy awaits your simple command. It's totally up to you.
The art of living is perhaps the hardest art of all to master.
We harness ourselves with blinders for one particular reason or another, probably fears, and miss what goes on all around us; thereby robbing from our own treasure chest the very essence of glorious wonders at hand. Then we question... Why Not Me? Why Her? Why Him?
If we're to experience the gifts of love, we must be willing to develop an emotional climate where things can grow. Give not only from our hearts but the very taproot of our existence.
We've all heard that stable relationships are for horses, not people. There's conflict in the best of relationships. Why should yours be any different?
I suppose because we're not considered the norm of society, we feel we must be a rose without thorns.
I've got thorns----gracious, we all do.
Go around them. Wear gloves, or snip the darn things off. Learn to be thankful for the roses. Appreciate the fragrance and beauty.
Nourish yourself daily, like your relationships. It just takes a drop or two of care.
Corrie Ten Bloom once asked, "Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?" I'm afraid many of us use it as a spare tire, only out of desperation.
I dare you to try letting it steer your life. I double-dog dare you!
Many of you will say: I don't have time. I don't know how. It doesn't work. So many Clerics say that God doesn't love us, so why should I pray? It's just a waste of my time. I can't have fun if I ask God to guide my life. I'm not ready yet. My oh my, the list goes on and on.
There's no one way.
We aren't all alike. We above all folks should know that.
Me, I plan on dancing my way into Heaven, and I'll toast The Son of God with wine from Heaven's vineyard.
But while I'm here I'll give, I'll love, I'll tickle a few funny bones, and I'll dance with my partner as the beat of her heart fills my ears.
Listening...Giving...Forgiving...Playing...and Loving are the soils that make relationships thrive.

As sparks of the Divine, we are all the same soul substance. Each connected to one another. Life began in a garden.
Let's tend our own gardens. Then we'll have a bounty to share with others. Then we can cultivate love...and cherished relationships.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Persistence Overcomes Resistance

I read today that needing someone is a lot like needing a parachute. They need to be there when you need them...or else you may never need them again.
Tragic as that sounds, it bangs with the Truth.
Friends are those we've hand-selected to watch our backs...hold our hand...step to our defense...and love us unconditionally------------even if we were a jerk last night. But we must be willing to do the same for them.
Being a Christian lesbian has placed me on the back pews of churches many times, not voluntarily, mind you, but because I didn't feel connected or accepted by my brothers and sisters to the front or sides of me.
Thank goodness - our country is slowly awakening. What a magnificent time to be alive. Suddenly, we're becoming fashionable. Ain't that a hoot?
We're GAY and Proud, because that's how we were created. God's Creations. God's children.
We feel Love...we feel passion...we know that we are no different from others, though many will argue the contrary. And use scripture recklessly to do so.
And I say shame on them. Yet I love them all the same, but they're not on my Christmas list.
Jesus said to LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
I'm not giving up. I'll remain persistent in the face of resistance. Come together Friends. Together we will win our God given rights to be treated justly.

I'll be your parachute, I'll watch your back, I'll hold your hand, I'll come to your defense...and I'll love you just as you are. For I selected you. ( Not my words, but those of the best Friend we'll ever have.)
"WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS," and how blessed we are that he watches over US.
Persistence does overcome resistance.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

My previous two novels - 'My Heart On a Chain' & 'The Forest of Life' are available online at several bookstores.
There is still a large populace of society that view homosexuality as a sin. That, in and of, itself scares many lonely hearts seeking God's Love into an underground of secrecy, and/or, running blindly in the opposite direction.
GOD is LOVE. He created each of us and He loves each of us. He's chosen us for a reason. As Gay and Lesbians we've had to endure rejection. But it's important that we remember God doesn't reject His children. ( US, you and me.)
I write of everyday life. It just so happens that most of my main characters are lesbian women who lead productive and interesting lives. And yes, they fall in love and share the emotions that all lovers share.
My characters are full of life - and lay their hearts and souls on the pages. Sometimes they make you laugh. Sometimes they make you gasp...and sometimes they share their fears and tears with you. They're adventurous sorts that I hope you'll spend a few hours with.
While writing of them...I grew an attachment...of kinship.
I'll keep you updated on my new release. SOON, I'm happy to say. 'Returning to Rockwell' isn't a Christmas story, but that's a toss-up. "Tis Always the Season For Miracles."


Blog Established August 24, 2007