Our ecclesiastical calendar marks Advent as the holy season preceding Christmas, the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
For centuries we've honored this spiritual reflection with a double-focus. The affirmation that Christ has come, and He will come again in all His glory and power.
In Mark 13:33 - "Jesus said to His disciples:
"' Be constantly on the watch! Stay awake...You do not know when the Master of the house is coming."'
This busiest time of the year calls us to draw closer to others. Open ourselves to God's presence. Spend rich personal time with the King, our Messiah, who will bring Peace and Righteousness to our world.
Advent is the timeless story of God's radical gift to the world...the birth of His son, Jesus Christ.
Yesterday, (Sunday) Reverend Suzie Chamness @ our Spirit of Life Church in New Port Richey, Florida, spoke on Advent, and the first candle was lit on the Advent wreath. The wreath represents eternity, everlasting life...no beginning and no end.
The wreath is made up of five candles, 3 purple for Hope, Peace and Love; one rose candle for Joy, and in the center a white candle symbolizing Christ's birth. Advent is celebrated with prayers of devotion, commitment and submission.
It's the revelation of God in Christ, signifying anticipation and hope.
We are God's people. That means you and you and you.
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart," and "love your neighbor as yourself."
Prepare for 'the coming'. Share the joy.
'O come, O come, Emmanuel.'
I'll be out of town until December 14...so I'll catch up with you then.
Happy Holidays my friends...and may God spread wondrous blessings upon you!