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Matthew 2: 9,10 - "Behold, the star shone over where the young Child was, and when the wise men saw the Holy Child, they fell down and worshiped Him." From my heart to yours...I wish you a blessed 'Merry Christmas. 'May the stars of heaven shine down upon you, and may you be touched by His angels.
The title of this song says it all - "I Can Only Imagine..."Knowing one day I'll stand face-face with Jesus lights my horizon everyday. But as the song proclaims - just what will I do?Jesus has done so much for me and for you. Things we'll never know about on this earthly ground. How many times has He reached out and saved us from evil unaware to us? How many times has He sent heavenly angels to shield us from harm. How many times has He saved us from foolish mistakes? How many times has He used us to help another? How many times has He used others to help us? Two-thousand years ago he made the ultimate sacrifice...He gave His all. He saved, white, yellow, brown and all the colors in between. Men and women. Girls and boys. Straights and gays. All nationalities. All peoples.Now we're nearing the time of His birth, so many years ago.He only wants one thing for Christmas, which is His birthday. He wants YOU.My heart is tied with a ribbon...the ribbon of His Love, His Glory, His eternal Light.Won't you tie a ribbon around yours, too?'I Can Only Imagine.'May the Spirit of God Light your Soul with a fire that glows all the way to Heaven.