Jesus speaks with all of us, just as He spoke to the woman at the well. Different words but with the same love and tender mercy.
I Kings 8:46 tells us that there is no man/woman that does not sin, yet in verse 49 it continues by saying, "He hears our prayers and supplications in Heaven."
He knows us better than we know ourselves.
Why, He Knows what you're having for dinner tonight. If he knows something that trivial, don't you think He knows the happy and not so happy cogs in the wheels of our lives? He keeps our lives turning, doesn't He?
But...He can't give what a rambling tongue, unsure of its own true desires, rattles off like a barking dog, baying at the night sky.
Speak with Him...but more importantly...listen to what He has to say.
There's an old saying: "If God wanted you to talk more than listen, He'd have given you two mouths and only one ear."
Certainly, conversing is a two-way street and He wants to hear from you all through your day, not just when you want something.
Do you go to your earthly parents and talk with them only when you need something from them? If so, I bet they're heartbroken. They want to hear from you in the good and the bad...just like God does.
So whether you're driving home from work, exercising, sitting quietly outside or in a diner or restaurant, or curled up on the couch with earphones pumping some of your favorite music through your ears, take a moment or several minutes to have a little talk with Jesus.
It's okay to cry. He'll wash your tears away. It's okay to stew over a matter of importance to you. It's okay to express your fears. It's okay to ask for more than you can possibly attain on your own. It's okay to take His invisible hand in yours. All this shows Him is your constant Faith.
It connects you and provides security, freedom, opportunity, love and grace. Makes no difference whatever your sexual identity. And all that is a great thing from an awesome and loving Father.
Hope is the basic ingredient of optimism. It energizes your mind. We're united by the Spirit of the Divine.
Talk to Him. Some call it prayer, but it's all the same. You are ONE with CHRIST.