Tonight an ocean of stars swims under an ebony canopy. Shiny diamonds in the vast sky; kinda like you and me in this expanding world that circles round about us.
Oh....! You don't see yourself as a shining diamond? Why Not?
Do you think you're not as shiny and bright as the person next to you, or across from you?
STOP!!! Stop comparing yourself to others. We must learn that it's our differences that make us so special.
Longfellow wrote many years ago: "The heart, like the mind, has a memory. And in it are kept the most precious keepsakes."
Have you recently taken the time to count your many blessings? No? Why not?
You's been tough lately. So much sickness, financial problems, family crises, the right job hasn't come along, my health seems to decline more each day. God doesn't seem to be listening to me! He's got so distant. I'm at my breaking point. And on and on and on.
Make no doubt about it, God is still right by your side. He's telling you all the right things to do - but - guess who's not listening? We're too busy listening to the screaming woes of life to hear His gentle voice. His sound advice.
Can you believe it? We turn off God's voice by drowning it out with things we have absolutely no control over. We live in the shadows of fear, anger, judgment, and a storehouse of other aspects lurking within us.
We give them permission and they take on a life of their own, thereby robbing us of our feelings of worthiness.
Step out of the shadows, come face-to-face with these tormenting robbers and join God's Army. Then you'll have legions helping you fight your invading trespassers.
All you have to do is ask. He's waiting for you.
You're not going to find must create yourself. And you need His help to do that.
Don't become sheathed in ice crystals, drooping in depression.
God knows what, and who you are, and who you can become. He stands ready to guide you.
Liberty comes from walking by FAITH. No, I won't tell you it's easy at times...but there's no better road to travel.
Unsaddle the negativity. Catch a rising star and soar to your place in the sky. Glow like you've never glowed before. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised to see the glistening diamond you truly are.
In God's Army, we all wear the light of love...and boy-O-boy, do we shine. Join us.
Pick your place in life and shine as only YOU can shine. Just like from the nursery rhyme most of us learned as a child. "Like a diamond in the sky."
You are most worthy. Claim it, believe it.