Do you ever get tired of following yourself around, day in and day out?
Maybe you need to flee to the sanctuary of God. He's our refuge.
Where God is...there is VICTORY! That's what you're in search of, battling for, or aiming to reach, isn't it?
I know that I am, but sometimes I keep getting in my own way.
The scriptures say, "According to your Faith, be it unto you."
Now I know this backwards and forwards, and all ways in between...but heck no, that doesn't stop me from trying to pave my own road occasionally. And I know a frog's nose about construction. Leastwise, the type I need in my life.
Claim God's help. Claim it today! It requires obedience. Its path is straight and narrow, but it leads directly to His Kingdom, His outstretched arms of mercy.
Draw near to God, not only in prayers for our wants and our needs, but draw near just for the sheer nearness to Him. He'll spread His divine wonder-working power over you. A power beyond our infinite minds.
So jump from your lily pad...jump from the pond you've called home and leap into the arms of the Savior. Escape from yourself with a trusting heart. Victory is only a prayer away.
Pray that your character is chisled in beauty, as only His hands can do. Not the beauty of the world...but the beauty of perfect exhalted Freedom.
Turn loose...'escape from yourself'...if only for a few minutes each day. Escape into the sanctuary of GOD!
I'll meet you there.
Photo taken by 'BUNNY'