Have you ever considered the disciples Jesus chose? Think about it.
A thief, a tax collector, a drunk, a murderer, amongst other fellows from the wrong side of the track. By no means the cream of the crop!
He saw in them what He sees in you and me...sinners from all walks of life, but longing for more.
People wanting to come home, people wanting the comfort of His Everlasting Arms. People hungry for Salvation. Sinners everyone. But He loves us just as we are.
You were chosen - rich - poor - well educated - illiterate - shy - boastful - beautiful inside and/or out - willing to travel the highways of God. Regardless of the boulders we run into, we must find our way over...or through...or around along our way. Yes, there will be many, that's inevitable. Yet, He gives us the strength and endurance to surpass these obstacles. He gently guides us.
But most importantly, this time of the year, we're reminded that 'HE GAVE HIS LIFE' for us, so that we might have eternal life.
You'll never figure out just why He chose you... just believe it...it's your destiny. There's no greater reward, my friends.
You can't make a brand new start from the beginning, but you can make a brand new ending. An awesome ending with Christ as your Rock of Salvation.
It is necessary for us to suffer patiently the dark night of sorrow and death, if we are to enter the brilliant new Light of Easter.
I'm a misfit for Christ. Are you?
The boulder has been rolled away.
"Up From the Grave He Arose..."
Have a glorious Easter, and may His Light shine upon you.