Christian Glitter by
" Eastern teachers say:" Whatever you are looking for, you must first find it through yourself."
Love not only breathes love, life, and happiness; it can breath wars and death as well.
LOVE is more powerful than hate; so open your heart and prove the STRENGTH of Your LOVE.
People's vibrations interact with our own. Draw them to you with the love of God that occupies your soul. Love is eternal and even death cannot destroy it.
Whether you believe it or not, you are a storehouse of knowledge. There is a garden within each person's soul. Fertile soils that can produce anything, any power, or any accomplishment.
Our thoughts are the seeds that bring forth each after its own kind. They have bodies, breath and wings. We build our future, precious thought by precious thought. Keep them pure and filled with love.
Our thoughts bring forth fruit. You could say that our thoughts are another name for fate. Remember the bible verse? "Whatsoever a man thinketh, so she/he is."
Our minds are just as much ours to control as our tongue, hands and/or feet.
Your mind is your connection between your physical being and your soul...your life and God. For all thoughts are prayers in one way or another and our thoughts feed our minds as food feeds our bodies. The present always holds the future in its embrace.
So wait on the Lord to renew your STRENGTH. Mount up with the wings of eagles; run and be not weary. Let God be the wind beneath your wings.
I John 4:12 " If we love one another, God lives in us, and His Love is perfected in us."
Find God inside of you. It doesn't matter your gender, your nationality, your religious beliefs, your sexual preference, the amount of money, or lack thereof, in your pockets, your size or shape, where you live, where you pray, or the years of your life...God loves us all.
If He doesn't live in your heart, I'll guarantee He stands knocking on your heart's door. Open the door and let Him in. Then you too will mount up with the wings of eagles and soar over the bountiful garden growing inside you. You have nothing to lose. Please trust me on this. Take a chance my friend, no matter where you dwell. OPEN the DOOR of YOUR HEART to God. HE lives inside you.
Just like the Eastern teachers have said: "Whatever you are looking for, you must first find it through yourself."
Just turn the doorknob of your heart's door. He's waiting.
God bless you one and all from sea to shining sea!
Softly and tenderly, my prayers are with you.
Peace, Light and Love,