NOPE! I haven't turned to the bottle, but a glass of wine in the evening doesn't hurt.
Gracious be, I hate hurting anyone, but sometimes couples grow apart, or in different directions. We hear about it almost every day. Doesn't mean one is good and/or the other bad. Just that they've come to a fork in the road where one wants to go one direction and the other wants to go another direction. Compromising has ceased.
One thing I've discovered is that words have just as much power as an atom bomb. They can blow relationships apart.
You can either walk through life or be dragged. When either one drags the other, the stress over the years wounds you permanently.
Sometimes we outgrow the clay pot we were planted in, and if we're not re potted, we'll wither and die. So at times a break-up is the only resolution to end the hurt and fertilize the growth on both sides.
Well, I'm going through that miserable dark cloud now, as well is my partner of nearly 14 years. It's not that love has died...but all the emotional energy has been drained nearly dry.
So love without intimacy is friendship. And trust me, we're doing everything possible to remain friends. But finding the courage to face great sorrows plays melancholy melodies on our heart strings.
No one's to blame. Let's make that perfectly clear! Straight or Gay, time moves on, and sometimes we have to make some tough choices. I'm seeking God's advice and guidance each and every day.
Forgiveness is having the courage to take down the walls of bitterness that frost over our hearts.
Unweaving the rainbow that once covered our relationship is the hardest part. Here's where I quote Pascal again: "The heart has its reasons that reason does not know."
I just keep remembering that prayers go up and blessings come down. It gets me through.
I know many of you have faced this exact situation before. Friends are our antibiotics to help us heal, when life pours down hard on our heads.
I think maybe Christ has His arms around me now as I write this. He steers my path. But still...breaking up is hard to do!"
Share some of your heart songs with me.
Thanks for listening.
Christians go through tough times, too!
Peace, Love and Light to you all.
Dear Aunt Taylor,
Iam sorry that you are going through such a deep pain. I know it hurts a lot.but iam pretty sure your power and your strength can handle the current situation for you.the point is that iam sure you've learned another important lesson out of this experience.
Just remember God is already with you ,He expects you to reclaim your dreams after this Break-Up .He wants to see you grow even more after this hardship. And yes you are right "No one's to blame". Sometimes putting an end to a relationship is better than going on without inspiration ,intimacy ,and energy. To keep love always fresh ,we need that energy to be there. For it acts like water to the tree of love.
And plz always remember to protect yourself. Sometimes God wants us to see how important our emotions are.He wants us to learn how to protect ourselves.thats why sometimes He put us in such a hardship,to learn about our weak aspects of being,to take care of them,to add more strength to them,those parts which need more love and PROTECTION.
There is a verse in Holy Kuran that goes like this:
"Indeed, we've created man in suffering and hardship".
You already know that better than I do that " This hardship is the only thing that helps us grow in mind and spirit.
I do not know many things .iam not experienced enough to advise anyone.i only know 1 thing. Maybe the most important fact of my life that I've discovered recently:"Human being is realy alone" .Human being has no one but God. I believe the greater the person is,the deeper is his/her loneliness.
Its always good to have friends,relatives or a partner around you.we should always try to keep the company of good people around us.But we should not expect them to stay with us forever.sooner or later they'll be gone after their own dreams,as we'll. We should not expect anything from anyone.
We have to find the happiness we seek inside of ourselves,not in the world outside. Because nothing and nobody in the world outside can grant our happiness.we have to look into the world within us.
I remember last year I was talking to Kelly,one of Debbie's Integrative Coaches.
I was talking to her on the phone about my broken heart and the pain I was going through at that time.She told me something realy nice and true.
She told me a quotation from Budha :"Suffering comes from attachment".then she explained like these:
" Happiness can not be about the men/woman you love,it can not be about money .it can not be about anything that can be taken away from you. All these stuff can come and go.
Money comes and goes.
Men/women come and go.
the only thing you are truly left with is Yourself ! "
I shall pray for your peace of mind,my dearest aunt Taylor. Plz know that you are loved. And maybe at the end of my letter I shall remind you and myself of The Law of Acceptance:
"The first and possibly most important spiritual law is that everything is as it should be. Nothing occurs by accident and there are no coincidences. We are always evolving, whether we are aware of it or not. And our lives are divinely designed for each one of us to get exactly what we need to support our own unique evolutionary process."
Take good care of your self ,
There are bright stars at nights ahead of you , maybe one of them is me
Shadi, Iran
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My dearest niece, Shadi,
Your inspirational words lifted my soul like an eagle in flight. I soared on the friendship and love attached, along with the wisdom you so greatly possess in your young adulthood. You have a gift to give the world. Don't hide that brilliant light you have within.
I see you helping many in your lifetime. And the pleasure you recieve from doing so will be your greatest reward.
You're right...God didn't put me on this humble journey without an ultimate outcome of happiness. This I must not ever forget.
Struggles and changes strengthen our Faith muscles the way no other exercise can accomplish.
You my dear niece are already a shining star in my life. I'm honored to have you in my family, and as long as God gives me breath, I'll be around if you should need me. I may not always be able to do everything you wish...but when I can't I'll pray to THE ONE that can.
Thanks for being there for me.
God bless you.
With humility and love,
Aunt Taylor
You know I'm here if you need me. Sorry I haven't called. As you know I had to make it pass Mother's Day #2 without Mom. Frank and I are praying for you everyday. The Lord will be by you side with every step you take on this new road of your life as you go forward the Lord is taking every step with you.
Thanks Wade and Frank! So glad you have my back and keep me in your prayers. I seek rivers of prayers and flow with their goodness and every blessing.
My prayers ring in God's ears each day.
I know last Sunday was hard for you.
Warm and comforting hugs to both of you.
God bless.
With love,
Yer Southern Cuz
I miss you my dear sister, I will see you in Heaven Bonnie
I miss you my dear sister, I will see you in Heaven Bonnie
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