There's been a wee voice speaking tenderly in my heart all morning. It keeps saying..."Someone out there is hurting."
Is this message for you?
Someone is criticizing themselves relentlessly, holding back NO punches. They're bruising and harming their body and soul.
It's a terrible hurt you're feeling. You feel so all alone in your heartache. You're not alone my friend. We're standing here with God to help you. Just say the word or look our way...and we'll come running.
Has there been an illness in your family or even the death of a loved one? Has the economy set you back ten years or so? Are you struggling with whether to tell your friends and family about your homosexuality, fearful of rejection? Or countless other spirit-crushing roadblocks?
Don't be embarrassed by the need for guidance. We all need it, and to be honest, we need it most of the time.
Over 1800 hundred years ago the Nag Hammadi manuscripts were hidden by some monks, fearing the Church would destroy them.
Discovered in an earthenware jar, ancient voices rose from the parchment when they were unearthed. Feminine voices speaking of wisdom. Their wisdom holds true today. It's seven pages, but I've condensed a portion of the pages as I received them.
"For I am the first and the last.
I am the honored and the scorned one.
I am the whore and the holy one.
I am the wife and the virgin.
For I am knowledge and ignorance;
I am shame and boldness.
I am shameless; I am ashamed.
I am strength and I am fear.
I am war and I am Peace.
Give heed to me.
I am the one who is disgraced and the great one."
Do these time lasting words show you the dualities we've all faced? She's telling us that in order to know wholeness,we must dance with the opposites. Yet she warns us not to get stuck in such dualities. Learn from them.
It's only a parcel of her enigmatic poetry and her wisdom.
Pogo wrote: "We have met the enemy and he/she is us."
But, we can change that. Now is the only time we have dominion over.
Our hands are extended to you. No matter what your crisis or challenge. Right or wrong; we love you.
As extensions of God's awesome Love, we won't turn our backs to you. Please allow us to pray for you. There's Power in our genuine prayers to God.
Wonder working Prayers!
One thing that I have learned...Life is amazing!
God's Amazing Grace is here today, tonight, tomorrow, next year or all of our years.
It will out last us on earth.
Each and every one of our prayers are etched in Heaven.
I don't know if this message was meant for you or not. That's between you and God. But,if you need a prayer for something special or something anonymous, we stand waiting.
Oh, before I forget,He told me to tell you, "He Loves You...His Prince and/or His Princess."
May you rest in God's arms.
Peace and Light,
Very inspired writing throughout, nice site. Thanx 4 sharing...
God Bless...
Thanks Pastor Guy...
I feel humbled, yet recognized in some way by God through your brief, but kind words.
This challenge God is escorting me on is one of the highest mountains my human body and soul has ever tried to climb.
However,if I can help one soul, as an instrument of God, then one golden bell has been rung, and may they continue to do so, until the choir of angels join in.
Hope you'll stop by again.
The candles are always lit.
Peace and Light,
My dearest Aunt Tylor,
Maybe that message was meant for me. About my mother's sickness.
Thank u so much for ur healing words.they truly soothe my heart.
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